Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Hey Everyone,
I'm excited to tell you about some amazing things that are happening here at Briercrest. Unfortunatly, I really have to go to bed right now. So here's a quick bite: Basically, God has answered prayers. Revival is coming and has come here, Almost daily now, I'm seeing the Spirit break down walls, passions for God renewed, and lives saved. So far, one worship service and one chapel have had such presence of God that the worship and prayer have continued on for hours. God's teaching us the true meaning of church and fellowship. Brothers and Sisters have a new meaning to me in this context. This isnt just a small thing, its growing we're hearing more often of people getting together to worship or pray informally. Its a common thing to see entire tables at the caf. praying together. I'm so excited to see what God's going to do. Youth Quake is coming too.

My earnest and desperate request is we need prayer. Prayer for people to be prepared for this working of the Holy Spirit, prayer for those of us who have seen and experienced and been broken down for God, prayer for discernment, strength, courage, and wisdom. I really believe that this is part of a wide spread working of God for the revival of the Canadian (and North American) church. Please begin to pray for us here. Have your friends and the churches pray for this too. I'm not sure when I'll get around to emailing the church about this and asking for thier prayer, but if someone could bring that up, that would be great.

Praise God!

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