Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Where's Dano?

Hey All, Sorry about not updating that much recently. I've been swamped with homework, extracuricular, and work. Welcome to crunch week of Miracle month.
I'll be honest, I haven't been handling the pressure and stuff as well as I should have. But there's a nice promise in God's word for people like me:

1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Not that I'm saying school work is a temptation (I haven't gone that insane yet), but even when we're faced with problems that seem so huge, like mountains, that we'll never get over them, God's promised that he won't let us be faced with impossible problems. There's always a way to get through them. Rather than trying to take the mountain all at once, take steps. Place your goal to that first ledge a few feet up the mountains. Take a rest when you get there, and then put your sights on the next goal. Its not going to be all easy fun and games, but its do-able.

This became real tonight when the stress got so high that I couldn't really do anything with out getting mad. A wise person pulled me back into reality, told me to take a break and go for a walk. Clear the clouds away. It works.

Now that I've spent more time on this blog than I should have, I have to get back to homework... Then sweet sweet amazing bedtime. *sigh* Thats one check of a goal to look forward to. Love you all.


SharpSticks said...

No one but you expects perfection. Go easy! God did a great job when He made you. He will always make a way!

I love your grumpy face.

MamaS said...

2 sayings came to mind...
Say not, 'God, look how big my mountain is!' but say, 'Mountain, look how big my God is!'
...okay, now I've forgotten the second one!! Must not have been that important. Hang in there! I'm praying for you.
Mama Susanne