Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Oh Quiet, Blessed Quiet!

Today I got to wake up later than normal. A full half hour later. There aren't any classes today, just a day of prayer so the day has been quite laid back. No one has to be up untill 9:30, so its very quiet in the dorm right now. Actually, people are JUST starting to get up now.
I've always enjoyed the quiet and stillness of the early morning and late night. There's something very calming and meditative. Even those who are constantly going and never slowing down to smell the flowers have tendencies to start off slow. I've found that the most powerful prayer times is in the wee hours of the night. Just me and God. No distractions, no loud noises, just authentic prayerful relationship with my creator.
So today being a day of prayer, I'm going to be doing my best and spend every moment of it in close relationship and contact with God. Even if you're busy today, Take 5 or 10 minutes out of your day, find a calm quiet place and just spend time with God. Don't try and do anything, just BE with God. Such a rewarding experience.


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