Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Kelowna Youth Workers Conference - Dream to be reality?

Ok guys,

This is the first I've really publicly told anyone about this dream. As alot of you know, I've been doing some sort of ministry for a few years, and in that time, I've seen and attended many children's workers conferences. Not once, have I even heard about a Youth workers conference, much less attended. There is alot of amazing conferences and people in youth ministry, yet none in the Okanagan. See where I'm going? My dream, and possibly goal is to plan and organize a Youth Workers Conference geared for people in the Okanagan, especially Kelowna. I'm lucky to have one of the best youth ministry programs in the country here, and I really wish you youth workers could have access to the resources I do. This is why I'm bringing this conference to Kelowna.

It all started out as an assignment for my youth ministry class which required us to organize and plan some sort of programming for a youth group, or another youth related event. Then as I discussed my options with friends and my professors, I began feeling this dream being put on my heart to be molded and fired into reality.

In all honesty, I have no idea exactly where I'm going. I've never organized an event myself, let alone a conference. All I have is this dream and God. This is where you come in. I need your input, concerns, opinions, ideas, criticizm, anything. When this project goes beyond the scope of the assignment, I'm going to need creative, logistical, administrative, ANYONE!! I definatly won't be able to do this on my own.

Specifically right now, I'd like to see what kinds of workshops and speakers and things you'd like to see offered at the conference. And prayer. I'm gonna need alot of support to pull this off. But I know I can with God's strength.

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