Tuesday, September 26, 2006

New Music from Trinity Form

Yesterday I discovered a new music group. Not everyone's cup of tea, but definatly popular with a few kids. Turns out that one of the guys on my hall who's in the music program, has a band back home called Trinity Form. Guess how many guys in it...Yup, three. They're all christian rappers. Honestly you'd have to hear it to realise why I'm so excited about them. These guys have put together an amazing album, and they're in the middle of another Sweet one too. (yes, i got to hear some of the preliminary tracks). One of the things i like about this band is they're not just regergitating stuff from the bible and messages that go around. They're real. These guys have been through it all. I had the privilage of listening to a track that will never make it on a CD. Yikes doesnt begin to describe the anger. These guys had some anger to let off, and they let it out in freestyle. While its not the best freestyle i've heard, It was probably the most powerful message. It went along the lines of (with various expletives removed) how life was going so horribly, how nothing made sense, and nothing was really worth it, but yet, even in their anger, the guys kept going back to the true message. Not just repeating it, but expressing their struggles with believeing thier own beliefs and struggles with thier other battles.
I've asked them for a CD and hopefully with their permission, i'll be able to post something on here for you guys to listen.
But here's the deal, while the music is on here, this blog will not be public to the entire web, and I ask you guys NOT to download it and to respect that this is their stuff that they've written, by not using any of the beats, lyrics or any of that. Legally you can, because none of this stuff is copywrited, but out of respect, keep your grubby little mitts off!
I'll keep ya posted.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

First sunday

So today was the first day of Childrens Church. And with it came alot of challenges that I never thought to expect. Being brought up ministry wise in an outreach fueled church, I learned how to present God and the lessons to kids who've never heard the stories or those who dont get to have alot of spiritual reinforcement at home. And you're also conditioned to expect to have to discipline a bunch of "bad" kids. But here in Caronport, Its a very different culture. They've all heard every single story pretty much. Everything from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed is centered on God. Christian schooling, sunday school, Childrens church, you name it, most of these kids will have heard it. They've been through this "spiritual babysitting service" of childrens church. Alot of the kids seemed bored when i first met them, but yet, when they saw our music leader, they were all a-chatter with him. The challange with this group of kids is to build relationships, and THEN teach. It seems that some guy teaching the most amazing lesson, wont reach these kids. They'll end up thinking, I've heard this story before, *SNOOOORREE* But I have this feeling that if they see that their best friend and Cool leader is excited about the story and the lesson, they may be more responsive.
Its definatly going to be a challenge for me. But I believe that through God, these kids can be impacted and learn about who Jesus wants them to be.
Pray for me and this group of kids. I dream to see these kids completely change the look of this church.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Jonah the Second

Hey all,
So disaster struck again for me. First it was dissabling my cell phone. Now, I've lost my computer. A hard drive failure has forced me to revert to pen and paper and borrowing computers. Yes. I did lose everything on the harddrive.
The cool thing is so far, I'm not missing my computer. Turns out that the reason God Called me out to the middle of no where to Briercrest is to get me out of my busy cramped life style. Honestly back in Kelowna, I had no time or made no time for God. Sure i was doing alot for God and praying lots, I didnt have any QUIET time with Him. Unfortunatly I failed to realise that this was an integral part of a meaningful relationship with God. While my computer was working, I always found myself chatting online or surfing when I should have been doing homework or devotions. Now that God's removed that from my life, I've been doing homework and devo's more. And as a result, feeling much more fulfilled in my life. Honestly, the ammount He's been speaking to me is amazing, so much more than I could have ever imagined.
The reason my title for this blog entry is Jonah the Second is because my story could be likened to that of Jonah's.
God called Jonah to Ninevah for a specific reason
God called Daniel to Briercrest for a specific reason (the reasons are different, but the idea that we were both called is the same.)
Jonah ran in the opposite direction because he didnt want to do what God called him to do.
Daniel went in the opposite direction because he had more fun doing other things.
Then God sent a storm which threatened to break the ship in two
Then God sent a "storm" which rendered Daniel's computer and phone useless
...After this point, the similarities arent as similar, but in both Both of us got quiet time with God (Jonah in the fish, me with out my computer). However, Jonah's calling was to save the city of Ninevah, My calling was to spend special one on one time with God. My mom pointed this out after she said that she was pretty darn sure that God was trying to get my attention. Besides, I've always said I dont believe in co-incidences, and I think my room mate deciding NOT to go the year with out a computer, and then buying one was not a co-incident. God had that planned so i could still do my school work on computer, but not have my own computer for a while so I could get back in touch with God.
I would like to ask for prayer though, that some how I'll be able to replace the drive on my computer and windows, or replace the computer itself.
Thanks guys


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

BridalQuest Bridal College.....

So I have to make an observation here. I came here knowing that there are people who come to Bible College only to get married or meet a girl or guy. However, I never actually understood or possibly allowed myself to believe it until now. I'm betting that at least half the guys on my hall, are here with Girls as their number one priority.
Why? Why on earth would you spend 5000-6000 per SEMESTER to flirt and hopefully date a girl? Heck, there's plenty of guys who dont even care about their courses, just the girls. Bible College should not be an expensive dating service. It should be a GOD centered place where people are CALLED to be equipped for life in ministry for God, or where they are CALLED to learn about Him and grow closer.
Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with people meeting at school, while they're working on their calling, and getting married. You should at Bible College because of GOD's own calling on your life. Don't get caught up in the myth that as long as you're at Bible College, you're doing God's calling. People should be at Bible College to learn more about their relationship with God.
Well, thats my rant. Feel free to throw text tomatoes and tell me i'm wrong, just back it up. I'm interested in seeing what people think.

Music Wish list

So now that I'm a starving student, I think I'm going to start a music wish list. Most of you know how much I love music. Now combined with my current endevours, I've run accross music that I'd love to use in kids ministry, but also listen to outside of church too. And here they are.

Here I am to Worship for Kids (1/2/3) -- A Worship Together CD
Kid Hitz -- Brentwood Records
Absolute Modern Worship for Kids -- Fervent Records
iWorship Kids (1/2) -- Integrity
Youth Power Praise --
Shout to the Lord Kids (1/2/3) --
Any of the more recent Promiseland CD's


And some CD's I'd love that arent ministry related...
Big Daddy Weave
Shane and Shane
Any Worship Compilations

Yeah... i kinda feel self-centered doing this, but I dont think there's a law against doing that...

Monday, September 11, 2006

Join the Team!

Hey People.
Marvin's brought on a very good idea. I realise that most of you guys who read this, also read the other blog, but I wanted to show my support. So I'm right behind you guys with this Positive Attitude Year. Lets see who and what we impact through this.
Evangel Kid Outreach: First it was Postive Attitude Day... then it was Positive Attitude Week... then Month...

RSS Feed!!

Hey guys, I dont know who here knows what RSS is or who uses it, but i figured i might as well tell you all that the RSS feed is http://randomnations.blogspot.com/rss.xml

Another new thing...

Hey guys. So I'm about to attempt something that will hopefully help me solidify what i'm learning. Now i can actually post on my blog with an excuse. Anyway. So I'm going to be attempting to peice back together lectures from my classes on a blog, with my own thoughts and comments too. So keep in mind that i could miss the point, I could be wrong. But i'm learning and i'll try to keep it as biblical and true as i can. well. here goes...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Connecting with God

Its been amazing how the last 2 weeks have been. On the surface, the moving process and going to school has simplified life. There's less material junk that clutter up my space, and now that my life consists of chapel, a bit of work, and school, I have less stress. But on the deeper level, life has gotten so much more fulfilling. Here, out on a prarie village, the pace is so much slower. No one yells at you for sitting down and just thinking or anything. In fact, most people use bikes here to get around. even the maintenance people. But back on track, in the last 3 days here at school, God's spoken to me more than in the last 3 months. Not because he wasn't talking, but because I was too busy or too tired to listen. Here, i have time and energy to do regular devotions.
This is the key! You dont have to go to bible college to connect with God. All you have to do to get closer to God and hear him speak to you, is be quiet. Find a place where you feel relaxed and calm, and forget about your worries and problems. You'll be surprised just how much you'll learn by being quiet and reading your bible, praying, or just relaxing.
Alot of people expect to hear God in an audible voice, or have him put the message right in front of them. Sure He does that, but more often than not. He speaks in the quiet. God talks about this with Elijah. He took Elijah into a cave and told him to listen for Him. A huge roaring wind came, but God was not in that wind. A fire came, but God was not in that either. An earthquake shook the earth, but God was not in that one either. But then God sent a gentle quiet breeze. Elijah could have easily missed it, but because he was quiet and listening, and he searched out God's voice, he heard it. Yes, God was in that small breeze.
Thats the other part. Being quiet and listening, is key. But you have to want to hear God's voice and you have to search for it; Look carefully. When you're focusing on hearing God's voice, you'll be more able to understand and hear what He says. "But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul." (Deut. 4:29)
Believe me, you will be blown away every time you hear God speak. The world tells you that the more stuff you have, the happier you will be and your life will be easier. Not true. As I got rid of things I had accumulated and borrowed, I had less and less occupying my time. Believe me, not doing anything is not bad. Its actually a very important part of our physical and spiritual health. Ask any doctor!
I will decrease, so that God can increase. I invite you to do the same. Actually, I challange you to prove that a simple life is less satisfying that one with lots of things to do and possessions.

Love you all.

My first couple days at school.

So, because I really dont feel like writing this again, I'm just going to copy/paste my letter I sent to some of you in the snail mail. Also, i have something else on my mind i want to post here too, so i kinda want to get there asap. Anyways. here it is. I'll be sure to post more later.

I'm sending this letter, because I don't know when I'll have access to internet. Yes I do have access to terminals, but nothing else. I'd rather write emails and letters on my own computer. Anyway. I guess i should start with the bus ride. Its weird. When you're on a trip that God sent you on, 21 hours don't seem long at all. It was really cool though. From Kelowna to Armstrong I sat behind this family who's kids turned out to be kids that went to M:A at Centennial. It was cool. Then at Enderby, a father and his 8 year old son got on while I slept. But when I woke up, the dad turned around and introduced himself. Turns out that he's the youth pastor in Enderby/Vernon (I can't remember which he said) at a PAOC church. He's Kyle from History Maker. Remember...PRAYER BOX or PRAYER AREA guy. So we talked quite a bit about me going to Briercrest and all that kind of stuff. Spent some quality time with his son too. Now I HAVE to go to History Maker.

After we got to Calgary, we had a 2 hour layover in the bus station from 10:30pm to 12:30 because the bus was early. So in my wait I wandered around until I heard someone yell, “Its Dan, from church!” It was 2 of our bus kids. (Since I'm horrible with names and bus routes I have no idea who) So I got to chat with them for a while about church and stuff. They were heading back home to Kelowna. (oh the brother used to get into a lot of trouble with Robert, running around in the halls. The other kid was his sister. ) But then when they left, I had to pull out the Gameboy. (thanks to Chantelle) From Calgary on, it was pretty much the same. The inside of your eyelids don't change much! :) Yes I slept for most of it. But not until I got treated to my first time seeing the northern lights. The pictures don't do them much justice. Its something you have to see in person. I woke up somewhere after the AB/SK border and got to see my first BEAUTIFUL prairie sunrise.

I was so nervous when I finally got to the college. Especially since I had no idea where to go or even who was going to pick me up. But it wasn't long before Mike (the admissions guy) came to pick me and my stuff up. It was really cool how they took care of me. They helped me take my stuff in and even introduced me to some of the guys in my dorm. My room mate's a guy named Mike Massecar, He's a cool guy, plays guitar, and we both love our music. I don't have any friends yet but I'm already known as the floor computer genius and Mac master.

--K so my internet connection is really bad right now, so I can't upload these pics yet. But as soon as i do have a decent connection, I'll post them --

Here's some pics of my dorm. The first one is obviously my unmade bed, the second one is my desk and work space. And the third is the common room. Its pretty basic. I'd suggest going online to briercrest.ca to check out the panoramic view of a generic room. The nice thing about my dorm is, its the only one thats attached to the caf. (caffeteria) so when it gets cold, I don't have to really bundle up to go get food.

The first day was pretty slack other than the registration/check in. That was just a nut farm. But The second day (basically orientation day) was so boring. It was 3 straight hours of people talking and stuff like that. Not liking that at all. But now its over and I've got the last bit of slack time before school starts. Technically school starts on the 8th, but we have half hour classes for the next 2 days just so we can get a feel for our classes.

I lost my cell phone charger in the move, so right now I have no way to contact anyone other than mail and collect calls. Until I get a ride into Moose Jaw, I wont even be able to buy a phone card. This is the worst part. I have no way to contact my friends. Which is my biggest problem. I went from having a lot of supportive friends, and now I'm on my own. I only have acquaintances and stuff so its still a challenge. I don't see myself having a lot of problems by Christmas though. Its just money i have to watch and school work. Pray for me in that respect. I'm fine in the social sense as long as I'm hanging out with my dorm peoples.

I'll be getting my mailing information as well as my new sask number soon. So I'll let you know that as soon as I can. The Sasktel guy is going to be here in the next couple days to hook up internet, so hopefully I'll be able to share with some other guys to get internet in my room. And hopefully I'll find a youth group or children's min, to help out with. You know me, I have to help people out. Well, thanks so much for everything you've done for me, I still smile about everything. Oh yeah, since I do have limited time and since I'm saying the same stuff anyway, don't feel gypped because I wrote you the same letter as everyone else.

In Christ's Service,


(Pastor Dan Mandryk BA in YM someday)