Thursday, September 07, 2006

My first couple days at school.

So, because I really dont feel like writing this again, I'm just going to copy/paste my letter I sent to some of you in the snail mail. Also, i have something else on my mind i want to post here too, so i kinda want to get there asap. Anyways. here it is. I'll be sure to post more later.

I'm sending this letter, because I don't know when I'll have access to internet. Yes I do have access to terminals, but nothing else. I'd rather write emails and letters on my own computer. Anyway. I guess i should start with the bus ride. Its weird. When you're on a trip that God sent you on, 21 hours don't seem long at all. It was really cool though. From Kelowna to Armstrong I sat behind this family who's kids turned out to be kids that went to M:A at Centennial. It was cool. Then at Enderby, a father and his 8 year old son got on while I slept. But when I woke up, the dad turned around and introduced himself. Turns out that he's the youth pastor in Enderby/Vernon (I can't remember which he said) at a PAOC church. He's Kyle from History Maker. Remember...PRAYER BOX or PRAYER AREA guy. So we talked quite a bit about me going to Briercrest and all that kind of stuff. Spent some quality time with his son too. Now I HAVE to go to History Maker.

After we got to Calgary, we had a 2 hour layover in the bus station from 10:30pm to 12:30 because the bus was early. So in my wait I wandered around until I heard someone yell, “Its Dan, from church!” It was 2 of our bus kids. (Since I'm horrible with names and bus routes I have no idea who) So I got to chat with them for a while about church and stuff. They were heading back home to Kelowna. (oh the brother used to get into a lot of trouble with Robert, running around in the halls. The other kid was his sister. ) But then when they left, I had to pull out the Gameboy. (thanks to Chantelle) From Calgary on, it was pretty much the same. The inside of your eyelids don't change much! :) Yes I slept for most of it. But not until I got treated to my first time seeing the northern lights. The pictures don't do them much justice. Its something you have to see in person. I woke up somewhere after the AB/SK border and got to see my first BEAUTIFUL prairie sunrise.

I was so nervous when I finally got to the college. Especially since I had no idea where to go or even who was going to pick me up. But it wasn't long before Mike (the admissions guy) came to pick me and my stuff up. It was really cool how they took care of me. They helped me take my stuff in and even introduced me to some of the guys in my dorm. My room mate's a guy named Mike Massecar, He's a cool guy, plays guitar, and we both love our music. I don't have any friends yet but I'm already known as the floor computer genius and Mac master.

--K so my internet connection is really bad right now, so I can't upload these pics yet. But as soon as i do have a decent connection, I'll post them --

Here's some pics of my dorm. The first one is obviously my unmade bed, the second one is my desk and work space. And the third is the common room. Its pretty basic. I'd suggest going online to to check out the panoramic view of a generic room. The nice thing about my dorm is, its the only one thats attached to the caf. (caffeteria) so when it gets cold, I don't have to really bundle up to go get food.

The first day was pretty slack other than the registration/check in. That was just a nut farm. But The second day (basically orientation day) was so boring. It was 3 straight hours of people talking and stuff like that. Not liking that at all. But now its over and I've got the last bit of slack time before school starts. Technically school starts on the 8th, but we have half hour classes for the next 2 days just so we can get a feel for our classes.

I lost my cell phone charger in the move, so right now I have no way to contact anyone other than mail and collect calls. Until I get a ride into Moose Jaw, I wont even be able to buy a phone card. This is the worst part. I have no way to contact my friends. Which is my biggest problem. I went from having a lot of supportive friends, and now I'm on my own. I only have acquaintances and stuff so its still a challenge. I don't see myself having a lot of problems by Christmas though. Its just money i have to watch and school work. Pray for me in that respect. I'm fine in the social sense as long as I'm hanging out with my dorm peoples.

I'll be getting my mailing information as well as my new sask number soon. So I'll let you know that as soon as I can. The Sasktel guy is going to be here in the next couple days to hook up internet, so hopefully I'll be able to share with some other guys to get internet in my room. And hopefully I'll find a youth group or children's min, to help out with. You know me, I have to help people out. Well, thanks so much for everything you've done for me, I still smile about everything. Oh yeah, since I do have limited time and since I'm saying the same stuff anyway, don't feel gypped because I wrote you the same letter as everyone else.

In Christ's Service,


(Pastor Dan Mandryk BA in YM someday)

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