Monday, September 18, 2006

Jonah the Second

Hey all,
So disaster struck again for me. First it was dissabling my cell phone. Now, I've lost my computer. A hard drive failure has forced me to revert to pen and paper and borrowing computers. Yes. I did lose everything on the harddrive.
The cool thing is so far, I'm not missing my computer. Turns out that the reason God Called me out to the middle of no where to Briercrest is to get me out of my busy cramped life style. Honestly back in Kelowna, I had no time or made no time for God. Sure i was doing alot for God and praying lots, I didnt have any QUIET time with Him. Unfortunatly I failed to realise that this was an integral part of a meaningful relationship with God. While my computer was working, I always found myself chatting online or surfing when I should have been doing homework or devotions. Now that God's removed that from my life, I've been doing homework and devo's more. And as a result, feeling much more fulfilled in my life. Honestly, the ammount He's been speaking to me is amazing, so much more than I could have ever imagined.
The reason my title for this blog entry is Jonah the Second is because my story could be likened to that of Jonah's.
God called Jonah to Ninevah for a specific reason
God called Daniel to Briercrest for a specific reason (the reasons are different, but the idea that we were both called is the same.)
Jonah ran in the opposite direction because he didnt want to do what God called him to do.
Daniel went in the opposite direction because he had more fun doing other things.
Then God sent a storm which threatened to break the ship in two
Then God sent a "storm" which rendered Daniel's computer and phone useless
...After this point, the similarities arent as similar, but in both Both of us got quiet time with God (Jonah in the fish, me with out my computer). However, Jonah's calling was to save the city of Ninevah, My calling was to spend special one on one time with God. My mom pointed this out after she said that she was pretty darn sure that God was trying to get my attention. Besides, I've always said I dont believe in co-incidences, and I think my room mate deciding NOT to go the year with out a computer, and then buying one was not a co-incident. God had that planned so i could still do my school work on computer, but not have my own computer for a while so I could get back in touch with God.
I would like to ask for prayer though, that some how I'll be able to replace the drive on my computer and windows, or replace the computer itself.
Thanks guys


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