Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I have good news! What I was fearing to be an extended miserable cold turned out to be a 3 day intense cold. At this point I'm in recovery, dealing only with a cough and the occasional Kleenex. Though yesterday was insane. I had a pretty bad congestion headache which kept me from my lit and comp class (not happy about that) and ended up dragging my sorry butt out of bed for my first day of spirit formation (again. I didnt do very well the first time. Procrastination rears its ugly head once again).
Just about everyone made some sort of comment about me not being fully mentally present. How true too. My wit was very slow and at best, made little sense. My balance was definatly off too, as I had issues keeping 3 glasses on my tray in the caf. eventually breaking one of them. The day ended off on a good/bad note. Good on my part, as I went to bed at 10pm and slept through until 10am the next morning. However, because of that early bedtime, I went against the wishes of my RA's who, in the face of my logic and desperate logic, insisted that I attend the Hall meeting at 10. I don't know if I'll be punished yet for this, but I'm positive that I chose the right method.
Today's been pretty laid back, started with chapel, then to story time about the Greeks and the Spartans. Then later on a great class in foundations of church ministry, followed by my favourite prof in Christian Theo Part 2. Right now, I'm happily relaxing in my own company at the Morningside Cafe just outside the Moose Jaw Mineral Spa. Couldn't get a better place to people watch!

I'm sorely tempted to take on yet another commitment. I'm sure my mother will understand in a bit. Once a week every morning, some mothers with small children get togehter to have devotions, and they leave their kids (ages baby to 4ish) in the care of college volunteers. My friends are those volunteers. Only today I overheard them arguing about who would be on "baby duty". ARGUING! Over who would carry a baby around all morning! I could scarcely believe my ears. I'd be in heaven to be on baby duty. They suggested that I join them. So here's my dilemma: keep my commitments to a minimum and stay sane, or for one hour a week, care for and love a baby that no one else seems to care to. I dont know.

I'm back to homework now...so go away! Just kidding

Love you all.

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