Friday, December 29, 2006

the new look?

Imagine my shock of horror when I opened up my blog page after upgrading to the new blog. Its UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my poor baby blog. I guess my template wasn't included in the new one. Probably by the time you've read this, I'll have changed it all. But picture this, Text, no pictures, text, no pictures, and ugly! Hee hee.

Anyway, a much needed update to my blog:
I'll give you the condensed readers digest version of most of whats happened.
Got to Calgary, and had my bus changed to the faster more direct route to Kelowna, knocking 7 hours off of my original time. But when we hit the Revelstoke area we were stopped twice for a total of 3 hours for avalanche control. So when we arrived in Salmon Arm where I would have transfered to a bus to Kelowna, we were told that the bus had left and that we were to be taxied to Kelowna. So after a very tightly packed journey I arrived in Kelowna still 4 hours a head of everyone else's expectation.
The first week was good and bad for me. Good in that i got to see the people i missed, and bad in that EVERYONE who knew me seemed to want their piece of Dan and resulted in a PACKED schedule. It was good though. I missed everyone.
Got to go to my parents church (my childhood church too) . This would have been the first time our entire 9 person family attended at once. It was good.
This week was my relaxing week. Nothing planned except work. I got to go to a good friends house and give her her Christmas present and then make an effort to help move another friend into his new condo.
OHH... Christmas! what a great Christmas. perfect gifts all around and my parents went above and beyond to make it an amazing Christmas. I mean, does 3 i pods mean anything? I appreciated the family time the most though. I think I've had the hardest time adjusting to the newest sisters in the family because I was never home a lot, but this Christmas was the first I was able to really begin relaxing into this family again and not learning new personalities.

Not to sound mean or anything, but I GO BACK TO SK IN A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I miss my friends there alot.

but thats enough for me. I have to work in 2 hours....that sucks....

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The time has come!

Well, the moment we've all been waiting for has arrived. Dan is coming home. I'll be on the bus for 27 hours to arrive home at 11:00pm on Friday. Love you all and I'll blog more when I'm conscious.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Dorm Date!

I suppose I should say exactly WHAT this dorm date is.
Briercrest has a tradition in the Student Residences. Every year each guy dorm will ask thier sister dorm out on a dorm date. Then usually in second semester, it flips.

What happens during a dorm date?
Pretty much depends on the creativity of the dorm organizing it. Our dorm did a photo scavenger hunt in Caronport then in MJ. (I'll try and get some pics from that part up here). Then we all went to tim's because we finished much faster than anticipated. Our booking for the bowling lanes was for 9. We finished the scavenger hunt at 8:20ish. After bowling, we all came back here and hung out, watched movies, played games, and had FUNdue (sorry...i couldnt resist the pun).

Thats about it. Its just a chance to build friendships with the sister hall.

No girl guy date like you're all used to... Sorry.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


A quick celebration. Got my major youth min project back and i got 87% on it!! Got an encouraging quote on the front page!
"I appreciate the passion with which you've undertaken this project. You've developed a workable outline that should be successful. ...I like your direction and hope this thing takes off!"

I've got a few things to change before its fully practical, but even after I pull it off, it'll be far from perfect. See ya, Dorm Date tonight so i gotta get extra homework done during the day.

Love ya.

Dan's off his rocker

The insanity has finally reached my head. I took advantage of my extreme cold tolerance and took a challenge. Very similar to the polar bear dip. Its -23 with a wind chill of -33. Josh says, lets run to the point and back....with only our t-shirts. Now I wanted to do it with shorts and t-shirt, but none of them wanted to. So anyway, once we were all ready, 3 of us stood at the door waiting for the signal. It would have taken longer had I not jumped the gun and started running. the other two were discussing whether or not they should take a test run, or take it slowly. Well, If it was a race, i would have lost, they both over took me. But, i like to think i won. I was less fatigued at the end. AND I ran back from the point while they walked.

This sure felt good though. Its very much an exhilarating experience. I may do this more often...though as it gets colder i will dress slightly more. Gosh. I LOVE SASKATCHEWAN WINTERS!!!!!!!!!!!! must have been the winter walks my mother took me on as a baby....

Monday, December 04, 2006


Hey guys,

I'm sorry i never finished my idea...I would right now, but we finished 4 sold out performances of our christmas musical last night and spent between 4:30 to 8:30 packing up props, resetting the lighting grid, packing up 10 very large speakers, and about 30 large roadcases of various chain hoist motors, lights, soundboards, etc. I'm exhausted. I barely made it through class and chapel.
But on the good side, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Rather than do these huge beasts of events for the tech stuff, I enjoy spending my non-existant spare time building relationships and meeting people. I went from painting the set one day, and ended up as stage crew, safety belayer ( we had people dressed as angels in harnesses clipped into hoists to fly them) , stage manager assistant, and personal assistant to one of the lead actors. I was also offered the PAID position of Lighting Assistant next year. But the best part was now I have new friends.

But sleep before my 4 pm youth min class.

Love you all and i will see you in 12 days.