Saturday, October 07, 2006

Work in progress

I've been asked to write an essay on Mark 16:9-20. These last 12 verses are in alot of the later manuscripts of Mark, but not in the earliest ones. My job is to explore the options, and essentially decide whether these last 12 should be included or not.
My first reaction was an indignant, "are you saying that part of the bible, which is truth from God, might not be true enough to belong?" Of course as I thought about it and did preliminary research on the subject, it became clear that it was a legitimate question. The things in Mark 16:9-20 are true and are backed up by the other gospels and it does bring up important points too. Discovering this, I abandoned my initial bias about the topic and decided to argue that these 12 verses are indeed part of Mark.
I hope to research the orriginal manuscripts to see if they cut off at verse 8, or if they wrap up on a 9th verse, or if its meant to continue. I'll also be looking at the mechanics of Mark's writing to see if he actually wrote the last 12 verses and when; the style, the characteristics, and the specific message he communicates about Jesus' life.
If you have any ideas about this topic or have stuff to contribute like sources, leave a comment here. I want this to be an awesome essay.

Youth Ministry
This is another one of my "gem" projects. I have to organise either a month's worth of youth programming (not just games and such, but what I'll teach and such), a weekend retreat, or a missions trip. I'm looking at either the month, or, if I can, organise a full youth Convention weekend. Much like spark or HM. Here's where I'd love to get the input of those of you still in youth, what do you want to see in programs, outings, speakers, bands, speaking topics, workships, anything related to either the YC or the month of programming I'm orgainising. You non-youth people can pitch in if you want. I'd love to have the voice of parents, teachers, experienced youth pastors, church leadership, etc as well.
Again, let me know.

1 comment:

SharpSticks said...

You are doing great, Daniel. It's not the highs that make a life, but the lows as well. Each experience builds on the other. I'm so proud to know you and to witness the building of the man God sees in you.