Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Winter, Snow, Cold, Wind...the whole package!

Well, Its here.

Winter has finally hit us. It snowed (however slightly) all day yesterday. By the end of the day, it was finally starting to stick to the ground. Its quite bizzare having snow this early when you're used to having snow in January. But I guess with lows being on average of -4 and dropping you're bound to get snow.
These lowering temperatures sure make me thankful that I'm only a minute's walk away from the academic building and post office. And thank you God, for giving me the dorm that's also part of the Caf.
Anyway, I have to run and work on my essay and other such homework.
Its open dorms tonight, which means girls running around my dorm (eek!), which logically means i probably wont be getting much homework dont tonight. Besides, I'm supposed to be getting my replacement computer today. Try doing homework when you got a new toy... Ya. about that.
Love y'all.

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