Sunday, October 15, 2006

Pics and a story

Ok. so its been a week since I've updated. I don't have too much to blog about, so i'll tell you a little story about a couple of my kids, and post some pics (finally).

The Story:
So today for some reason, childrens church was canceled for my class only. (i was glad, all i had was last week's games, and an MA script) so when the kids came out to get their activity packs, I handed out some letters to the parents, and the packets and that was it.
I felt the need to go into my empty classroom and work on kids church stuff rather than go to the service, so in I went. Put on some kids worship music and went away at my planning. Later I heard a voice yell "hey Dan!" followed by the sounds of feet booking it. It took me a couple more times to be proactive (there's a grade 1-2 class right next door) enough to wait for them. Turned out to be the "bad" kids who refuse to listen to leadership. So rather than be Mr. Law and chastise them for being loud and running around the church, I decided to chat them up, let them know that I looked forward to seeing them next week and such. Amazingly enough, that worked much better than the other method would. Rather than the wall that I'm used to beating against, I saw 2 kids that wanted to be my friends. So, Prayers are being answered for me...


(reads: We Will Miss U)
My co-workers made a special last day of work for me. Complete with a cake and a huge box of school stuff.

Random picture of Zach's toy

Freshman Games
(thats Phil in the shark!)

Freshman Games again
(team pic)

"The 13 horned beast of Revelations"
(This is the FOH for our main chapel...if you heard it, you'd know why we call it the beast)

Saw these two girls playing in the mud, splashing and eating and such. And the mother was standing there smiling, laughing.

"The Point"
(or at least part of it. The cafe part is on the right of subway)

Sunsets here are amazing.

Seminary Wing (Bottom Floor) and Library (2nd floor)

My dorm

Entrance to Dorm and Cafeteria

More to come.................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great pictures! do you have a camera phone or something?