Saturday, October 07, 2006

Don't get me wrong, I love this place

It's thanksgiving weekend and the school has given us a 4 day weekend. So obviously most of the dorm left as soon as their last class was done on thursday to go home and spend thanks giving with thier families. Today the last of the basketball teams left to go home after their game at 2. That leaves a total of 10 guys who either live in BC or ontario, or are Americans who don't celebrate Thanksgiving untill november. I'll be honest, I'm lonely and homesick as heck.
I spent thursday keeping myself busy with homework, but mostly cleaning. Alot of the guys on the hall think I'm crazy, but I love organising and making things efficient. Spent about 3/4's of my day cleaning out 4 storage rooms which had boxes strewn about, bags haphazzardly stacked on duct taped shelves. Much like my room back home. Mom knows. After I was finished, there was floor and EMPTY shelving, and you could find things again. All this to keep myself from thinking about certain people back home, and just being home in general.
That was my mistake, doing everything at once. Now today, I am so sad, lonely, and homesick. I cant even eat today, homework just sits there and glares at me. I can't do anything really without losing focus as thoughts about very special people come to me. Oh, and to top it off, its a rainy gloomy day. Yeah, I miss home and the people there very much.
What are you supposed to do when you get off the phone with a certain someone, and find that it didnt help, that it only made you miss them so much more. Makes me afraid to call anyone else. I know, I know, I'm at Bible College and I should know that my trust and focus should be on the Lord who is my comfort, my best friend. But to say it and to actually apply it are 2 completely different things. Don't get me wrong, I'm trying to focus on God and take advantage of this quiet time.
I'm not posting this because I want pitty, or I want to make you miss me more. I really don't want people to think I'm perfect, or to think that this place is akin to heaven for me. Don't get me wrong, I love this place, but its missing 2 important things: home and people you love. I'm just another guy that God's called to learn. I have faults that I may never tell you guys, I've done things that only a couple people will ever know, I'm the furthest thing from perfect. What I am, is Daniel. Who God has made in his image with love. I am designed with a purpose in mind, with real problems, emotions, and issues. A work in progress.
So as I struggle to learn, and to trust God completely, I as that you pray for me, some comfort, focus, and a renewed passion for nothing but Christ.
I appologise for this somewhat depressing entry and also for the rambling and structurless writing.

I love you all so much

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