Thursday, September 07, 2006

Connecting with God

Its been amazing how the last 2 weeks have been. On the surface, the moving process and going to school has simplified life. There's less material junk that clutter up my space, and now that my life consists of chapel, a bit of work, and school, I have less stress. But on the deeper level, life has gotten so much more fulfilling. Here, out on a prarie village, the pace is so much slower. No one yells at you for sitting down and just thinking or anything. In fact, most people use bikes here to get around. even the maintenance people. But back on track, in the last 3 days here at school, God's spoken to me more than in the last 3 months. Not because he wasn't talking, but because I was too busy or too tired to listen. Here, i have time and energy to do regular devotions.
This is the key! You dont have to go to bible college to connect with God. All you have to do to get closer to God and hear him speak to you, is be quiet. Find a place where you feel relaxed and calm, and forget about your worries and problems. You'll be surprised just how much you'll learn by being quiet and reading your bible, praying, or just relaxing.
Alot of people expect to hear God in an audible voice, or have him put the message right in front of them. Sure He does that, but more often than not. He speaks in the quiet. God talks about this with Elijah. He took Elijah into a cave and told him to listen for Him. A huge roaring wind came, but God was not in that wind. A fire came, but God was not in that either. An earthquake shook the earth, but God was not in that one either. But then God sent a gentle quiet breeze. Elijah could have easily missed it, but because he was quiet and listening, and he searched out God's voice, he heard it. Yes, God was in that small breeze.
Thats the other part. Being quiet and listening, is key. But you have to want to hear God's voice and you have to search for it; Look carefully. When you're focusing on hearing God's voice, you'll be more able to understand and hear what He says. "But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul." (Deut. 4:29)
Believe me, you will be blown away every time you hear God speak. The world tells you that the more stuff you have, the happier you will be and your life will be easier. Not true. As I got rid of things I had accumulated and borrowed, I had less and less occupying my time. Believe me, not doing anything is not bad. Its actually a very important part of our physical and spiritual health. Ask any doctor!
I will decrease, so that God can increase. I invite you to do the same. Actually, I challange you to prove that a simple life is less satisfying that one with lots of things to do and possessions.

Love you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just have to be the bratty sister and ask:

"No one yells at you for sitting down and just thinking or anything."

You got yelled at before??!

Seriously though, good for you.