Thursday, October 04, 2007

Letters from "home"

Alright, Its excuse time. I'm sorry guys. I've been on the net less and less now and doing homework and social interaction more and more. However, since I'm not horribly cruel, here's whats going on in my life. Please forgive me the lack of any writing style or special wording like i normally prefer to write with, its late.

Gee. Where do I start?

OK. School work. I'm taking 6 courses, one of which is due at the end of this month. I have endless papers and presentations plus voice lessons and musical.
Yup. I'm taking voice. I've always loved singing, but never had the confidence in my self, so i decided to pay money to push myself out of my comfort zone. I have to say, my voice teacher is amazing. As soon as i feel comfortable with where I am, she pushes the bar out of reach again and says i have more to give her.

I am once again the audio tech for Resonant (formerly Sojourn). We have a new crew of people, and excellent voices to accompany this close knit group. A couple weeks ago, we all went up 1.25 hours past Regina to Circle Square Ranch for our annual retreat. I don't think I've ever pushed myself that far. When we weren't practising (I had to do homework then), I was out on the trampoline.
The second day we were there, we got to do the activities of the camp. My team started out at the climbing wall where I was tempted to climb the rear support trussing rather than the actual wall itself. It was a lot of fun though.
Next was the horses. Now, I've always been scared of these big animals, but I knew my director (who happens to do trick riding and such for the camp) and I knew that with him, I had no choice but to bond with a horse. He gave me the easiest horse, DJ. Aptly named perhaps? anyway, I barely had to do anything with this guy, he stopped and started at all the right times, all i needed to do was steer the horse in such a way that i wouldn't lose my face from branches. I don't mind them now
Lastly, was archery/BMX, which ever we wanted to do. I've never gone BMXing before, so i grabbed a bike and helmet. After a couple rounds around the course and a few jumps later, I was making another run and approached the first jump. Tire hit a loose rock and jolted off to the side throwing me off and sprawling on the ground now beautifully woven into the bike. I was fine. i was actually pretty stoked that i had a battle scar!
At the end of the weekend, I couldn't go much faster than a slow shuffle, i was so incredibly sore. Stairs were basically impossible. It sure felt GOOD.

Life on the high school dorm is definitely an experience. While its loud and mostly immature, I don't think i would trade this dorm to live on another. The kids on this hall are pretty cool. I live across from an American, with whom i am in a never ending debate between Canada and the states. (It was pretty sweet when the Canadian dollar went up).

I've fullfilled every small boy's dream of putting on a firefighter's gear and sitting in the firetruck. One of my friends, who is on the volunteer fire dept. here invited me to come with him to the station. I was sure excited when he offered to let me put on his own "turn out gear". Its one heck of an experience. It was awesome. We later had some pretty sweet man to man talks sitting on the front of a pumper truck watching the traffic on the number 1 whizz by.

I'm sure there's more to tell, but this is all my poor over tired brain will let me tell. God has really blessed me this year so far.

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