Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Them Old Days Never Die

I made a mistake.
I've been swamped with homework and so I've been shutting myself away from society in the library just to get papers in on time. I've also been downing my prescribed medication to help me focus better. This smallish pill is a stimulant that works for 4 and 8 hours depending on which one of 2 I take.
In my determination, stress, and focus I grabbed the bottle I normally grab for long homework stretches, the 8 hour one. Unfortunately to me, I forgot to take into account that this was a FOUR hour stretch with bedtime occurring immediately after.
Well, a stimulant does its wonder by, you guessed it, stimulating the brain to focus on the task at hand. In essence, the brain works more efficiently. By the time bed came around, my brain was in 5th gear and just about every possible thought probably went through my head.
Meanwhile, my poor exhausted body is just crying out for sleep and my sensible brain is telling me that I have to sleep as I would be waking up early. Unfortunately, no one told my brain that sleep required it to shut up!
At about 3am I got up to find out why there were shouts of "Roman Candle", "at my window", "shaving cream", and the like. After counter-pranks were plotted and carried out, I felt my body screaming for sleep and thought maybe I'll just crash. Besides, my meds should have been running out by then.
For another hour, I tossed and turned, as sleep crept ever so slowly toward me. Finally, out of sheer desperate need and last resort, I did something that I haven't done in years. Something that almost always helped me fall asleep at night.
Yup. I admit. I grabbed Hobs (my child hood teddy bear) curled up with him close to my chest. Funny, He seemed alot bigger last time. But it worked. It calmed my frustration at not being able to sleep, and got me that much more comfortable.

I guess we never do grow up. We just get big.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

silly ol' bear